Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Improve Sleep Safely with CBD/Cannabinoids

It’s normal to experience difficulties with getting to sleep every now and then. Everyone has nights in their lives when they toss and turn the whole night through. For some people, though, intermittent sleep problems turn into full-fledged cases of insomnia, where problems getting to sleep turn into an ongoing, chronic condition. For many, the use of CBD, or cannabinoids, has proven to be an effective way to bring on sleep. Since CBD has been legalized, more and more people are recognizing the enormity of help that CBD offers for those who experience difficulties getting to sleep and staying asleep. Learn how to sleep safely with CBD and cannabinoids with products from Moss Crossing.

Symptoms of Insomnia

Surprisingly, a lot of people don’t even realize that they suffer from sleep problems. It’s possible to be in a “mid-state” between sleep and wakefulness, where you might arise in the morning and not realize you never really fell asleep. In instances like these, it often takes a spouse or sleeping partner to point out that you were up and down all night.

Other people do realize that they suffer from chronic insomnia, but they have learned to deal with it over the years. They may simply get up and do something productive, forgetting about the late hour. Or, they may lie in bed in the dark, ruminating about their worries or their plans. Or, they may just toss and turn all night, trying hard to fall asleep but never getting to that REM state of deep sleep.

Why Do People Have Insomnia?

As much as 35% of the population in the U.S. alone experience insomnia in one form or another. People have trouble getting to sleep for all kinds of reasons.

One common reason is stress or anxiety. The perceived complications and complexities of daily life tend to magnify in intensity in the dark when everything is quiet and still. It’s just you and your thoughts, and thoughts tend to run rampant when there are no distractions.

Another common reason for insomnia is chronic pain. All around you, there are people suffering in silence from chronic pain: neck pain, back pain, joint pain, pain from injuries, and more. Traditional pain medication often doesn’t suffice for one reason or another. Those who don’t want to risk addiction to pain medication may be more willing to suffer from insomnia than to suffer from addiction.

The Dangers of Lack of Sleep

Humans need between seven and nine hours of sleep in each 24-hour period. Of course, babies need even more sleep than that, while adults can get by with less, but never less than seven hours. There are those who claim they can get through their day with much less sleep, but chances are they are experiencing harm from lack of sleep without knowing it. The dangers of lack of sleep include:

Cognitive Problems

The brain needs those sleeping hours to recharge and rebuild. Sleep deprivation can result in poor memory, disrupted problem-solving skills, lack of ability to concentrate, trouble with reasoning, and even abrupt mood changes.


People who are deprived of sleep are more likely to experience accidents. This is due to a combination of reduced cognitive function and reduced motor function. Accidents may be as innocuous as spilled coffee or as serious as motor vehicle accidents, where people are injured or killed.

Physical Liabilities

Sleep deprivation in humans takes a heavy toll on physical health. A number of health problems have been linked back to lack of sleep. These include:

  • weakened immune system
  • elevated blood pressure
  • weight gain
  • increased risk for diabetes
  • reduced libido
  • higher risk of heart disease
  • compromised ability to balance
  • lowered life expectancy

No one would knowingly put themselves at higher risk for any of these cognitive, emotional or physical issues that can result from sleep deprivation.

Sleep Safely With CBD

Cannabis works in several ways to help improve sleep safely with CBD. First of all, CBD is not like a “sleeping pill.” A sleeping pill often leaves a person feeling groggy and fuzzy-headed the morning after. Sleeping pills usually contain a substance called diphenhydramine, which is also used to combat allergy symptoms. Diphenhydramine causes drowsiness as a side effect, which is why it is also used in sleeping pills. Unfortunately, diphenhydramine often makes a person feel “out of it” the morning after, which makes it less than ideal as a sleep aid.

On the other hand, you can sleep safely with CBD as it is very mild, and works on the symptoms that can cause sleeplessness, like pain and anxiety. Studies have had promising outcomes in the search for relationships between CBD and stress management. In a recent study, “CBD has considerable potential as a treatment for multiple anxiety disorders.” This in itself is evidence that CBD is an effective solution for insomnia related to stress and anxiety.

Cortisol is the stress hormone. People with insomnia often have higher cortisol levels at night, which can make them feel more awake and affect how poorly they sleep. CBD may help control the stress hormone cortisol. In a 2019 study on how CBD affects anxiety and sleep, it was found that people who took certain levels of CBD oil had lower levels of cortisol. The results suggest that CBD oil may stop cortisol from being released, making it work as a sleep aid.

If you are seeking a natural way to improve your sleep, without risking the dangers of drugs that make you groggy the next day, CBD is your safest choice. For more information about CBD and how it can aid you in your daily life, visit our shop today.