Friday, September 20, 2024

CBD in Skincare: Fad or Future?

Have you recently noticed a lot of CBD-labeled products in your local pharmacy? That’s because chemical agents found in the cannabis plant have a lot of potential in skincare. CBD stands for Cannabidiol. Lately, this natural compound of Cannabis sativa plants has reached the cosmetic industry. Skin products such as creams, oils, lotions, balms, bath salts, and even face masks are infused with CBD. 

You may wonder if the hype around these is real. Or if they are preying on our insecurities like thousands of other products. Let’s explore the research and how CBD-enriched products will be the future of the skincare industry. 

CBD & Skincare: What Research Says?

Research on CBD in skincare is very limited. However, you can find enough evidence on how cutaneous biology is modulated by cannabinoids. Our body produces molecules called endocannabinoids (ECS), which stimulate the CBI or cannabinoid receptors in our brain and body (including the skin). The ECS is structurally similar to the molecules of a cannabis plant.

CBD is a substance with several cosmetic and therapeutic effects. It’s a powerful antioxidant with more benefits than vitamins E and C. We know that antioxidants play a vital role in preventing DNA damage. Skin problems caused by UV radiation and pollutants can be prevented with high antioxidant levels in your body. A 2022 study explains how a blend of retinol with cannabidiol can help you with fine lines and wrinkles.

Another small study confirmed that CBD can help people with eczema or psoriasis. Participants in the study applied a CBD-infused skin ointment twice a day for three months. The results were reduced inflammation with no irritation or allergies. 

Benefits of CBD for our Skin

The incredible anti-inflammatory effects and high levels of antioxidants bring numerous benefits to CBD skincare. 

CBD regulates oil production.

Sebum overproduction can lead to acne and many other skin issues. But not if you have CBD-infused products in your skincare. According to a 2014 study, CBD shows anti-inflammatory effects on sebocytes, the skin cells responsible for producing sebum. Cannabidiol can effectively regulate oil production and keep your skin acne-free. Acne is the most common skin condition in the US, impacting over 50 million Americans annually. These numbers are proof of the huge potential of CBD in skincare. 

CBD reduces inflammation.

The anti-inflammatory effects of CBD may help reduce pain, swelling, or redness caused by skin breakouts. It can also prevent the aftereffects of skin irritation caused by conditions like psoriasis or eczema. 

CBD repairs damage due to free radicals.

We’ve studied CBD’s antioxidant abilities, and they can effectively mitigate skin damage due to free radicals. Free radicals are unstable atoms (missing an electron) that cause damage to your cells and DNA in search of an electron. They are naturally produced by the body, or they can be due to environmental factors like smoking, UV rays, or pollution. Everything that makes you look older, like sagging skin, wrinkles, and pigmentation, can be due to free radicals. 

CBD overpowers vitamins C and E, preventing free radicals from breaking down collagen. This is a big reason why many, including Moss Crossing, see a future for CBD in skincare. One day, it will be a primary ingredient in many anti-aging creams, helping to sweep away excess free radicals and keep skin younger. 

CBD hydrates dry skin.

Another significant benefit of CBD in skincare is hydration. Preventing dehydration is key to maintaining youthful skin. Scientists have suggested that we have yet to discover all the benefits of phytocannabinoids in skincare. 

CBD in Skincare

There is still a lot to learn about CBD’s range of capabilities, but one thing is certain, CBD in skincare is not a fad. With so many potential benefits, don’t be surprised to see your local vendors selling more and more CBD-enriched products in the future. 

At Moss Crossing, we strive to be a platform where people can learn to enhance their lifestyles through cannabis. We carry award-winning cannabis and cannabis products from local producers at fair market prices. In addition to offering specialty products, we are always publishing cannabis education blogs for our community. Follow us to learn more about the amazing benefits of CBD.

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